Monday, December 7, 2009

This just in...

Today is day one of four of the winter meetings and there is already some good news for the Yanks. Sources say that Andy Pettitte has decided to return for another season and will simply need to work out some contract details. This is great news for Yankee fans but I'll wait for the contract signing and confirmation before I completely jump for joy.


  1. What's the best way to use Pettite? Save him for big games or keep him in the regular rotation? He seemed 'frazzled' during the series, like the pressure was more than he wanted - or could handle. Is his head still in the game?

  2. Good question. Pettitte will slide in as the Yankees number three starter behind CC the Hut and AJ "Wild Thing" Burnett. Pettitte consistently throws 30-33 starts per year which shows he is durable and strong despite concerns of a fatigued shoulder the last couple years. The 'frazzled' look you might have seen in the postseason is Pettitte as a 38 year old pither who can no longer beat everyone with fastballs on the inner half of the plate. He has to pitch a better game and it doesn't always look pretty. However, the guy is the ALL TIME leader in postseason wins and innings pitched and is third I think on the strikeout list. He is a big game pitcher, and while he might not be as good as he was in the late 90s he did win the clinching game in each of the three rounds of the postseason in 2009. That has to count for something no matter how it might have looked. He is a veteran, a class act, and a good mentor to some of our younger pitchers and that is why I have no trouble seeing his name in our rotation for one more year.
